Reduce stress, be happier, increase resilience, wellbeing & optimise performance


An opportunity to connect on an individual level, this 1:1 coaching introduces the basics of mindfulness or builds on existing experience. It can be delivered face to face or remotely.


Who is it for?

Leaders and business owners wanting to optimise personal or team effectiveness.

Leaders experiencing:

  • Highly competitive and stressful work environments

  • Leading teams through uncertainty and change

  • Increasing demands to meet performance targets

  • Employee absenteeism

  • Employee high turnover


The results.

Benefits based on increased self-awareness and acceptance may include:

  • Greater E.Q a proven driver of business success

  • Clarity - Better judgement & decision making

  • Enhanced capability to drive employee engagement and results

  • Increased focus and resource to sustain performance under stress

  • Enhanced feeling of wellbeing, happiness, vitality and fulfilment


How is it run?

  • It is a 6 x 1 hour coaching programme, delivered weekly or fortnightly.

  • Based on a systematic framework that has shown to significantly improve wellbeing, personal effectiveness, happiness and combat a range of life’s inevitable challenges.

  • Programmes are delivered online via Zoom. Face to face coaching is available for some locations. Please contact us to discuss.

    Cost $1250 + GST